Capacities and Specifications

The following approximate capacities are given in English and metric conversions. See Recommended Fluids and Lubricants for more information.

Engine Specifications

Engine Specifications

Maintenance Schedule

    See also:

    TPMS Sensor Identification Codes
    Each TPMS sensor has a unique identification code. Any time you replace one or more of the TPMS sensors or rotate the vehicle’s tires, the identification codes will need to be matched to the new ...

    Automatic Transmission Operation
    The vehicle may have a shift lever located either on the steering column or on the console between the seats. P (Park): This position locks the front wheels. It is the best position to use when ...

    Remote Control Buttons
    (Power): Press this button to turn the DVD player on and off. (Title): Press this button to return the DVD to the main menu of the DVD. (Menu Navigation Arrows): Use the arrow buttons ...