Why Safety Belts Work

When you ride in or on anything, you go as fast as it goes.

Take the simplest vehicle. Suppose it is just a

Take the simplest vehicle. Suppose it is just a seat on wheels.

Put someone on it.

Put someone on it.

Get it up to speed. Then stop the vehicle.

Get it up to speed. Then stop the vehicle.

The rider does not stop.

The person keeps going until stopped by

The person keeps going until stopped by something. In a real vehicle, it could be the windshield...

or the instrument panel...

or the instrument panel...

or the safety belts!

or the safety belts! With safety belts, you slow down as the vehicle does. You get more time to stop. You stop over more distance, and your strongest bones take the forces. That is why safety belts make such good sense.

    See also:

    Charging System Light
    The charging system light comes on briefly when the ignition is turned on, but the engine is not running, as a check to show the light is working. The light turns off when the engine is started. If ...

    When the Light Flashes First and Then Is On Steady
    If the light flashes for about a minute and then stays on, there may be a problem with the TPMS. If the problem is not corrected, the light will come on at every ignition cycle. See Tire Pressure ...

    Hill and Mountain Roads
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