
To quickly locate information about the vehicle, use the index in the back of the manual. It is an alphabetical list of what is in the manual and the page number where it can be found.

    See also:

    Compact Dimensions
    The Verano measures a smidge larger than the Cruze, with which it shares the same wheelbase. The Buick's footprint falls between the shrink-wrapped Lexus IS 250 and larger Acura TSX, but its styli ...

    Setting Cruise Control
    If the cruise button is on when not in use, it could get bumped and go into cruise when not desired. Keep the cruise control switch off when cruise is not being used. 1. Press to turn the cr ...

    Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol)
    The 8th digit of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) shows the code letter or number that identifies the vehicle’s engine. The VIN is at the top left of the instrument panel. See Vehicle I ...