Ride Control System Messages


This message displays when there is a problem with the Traction Control System (TCS). When this message is displayed, the system will not limit wheel spin. Adjust your driving accordingly. See your dealer for service.


This message displays if there is a problem with the StabiliTrak® system. If this message appears, try to reset the system. Stop; turn off the engine for at least 15 seconds; then start the engine again. If this message still comes on, it means there is a problem. See your dealer for service. The vehicle is safe to drive; however, you do not have the benefit of StabiliTrak, so reduce your speed and drive accordingly.


This message displays when using the interactive drive control. See Interactive Drive Control System  for more information.


This message displays when the Traction Control System (TCS) is turned off. Adjust your driving accordingly.


This message displays when the Traction Control System (TCS) is turned on.

    See also:

    Braking in Emergencies
    ABS allows the driver to steer and brake at the same time. In many emergencies, steering can help more than even the very best braking. Brake Assist This vehicle has a Brake Assist feature desig ...

    Recording from Audio CDs
    The infotainment system can record the current song playing or all songs from an audio CD to MEM. A status bar appears on the top of the display when the recording process starts and disappe ...

    When the Light Is On Steady
    This indicates that one or more of the tires are significantly underinflated. A Driver Information Center (DIC) tire pressure message may also display. See Vehicle Messages for more informati ...