FCC Information

See Radio Frequency Statement for information regarding Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and Industry Canada Standards RSS-GEN/210/220/310.

    See also:

    Door Ajar Light
    For vehicles equipped with this light, it comes on when a door is open or not securely latched. Before driving, check that all doors are properly closed. See Door Ajar Messages  for more in ...

    Doing Your Own Service Work
    CAUTION: You can be injured and your vehicle could be damaged if you try to do service work on a vehicle without knowing enough about it. • Be sure you have sufficient knowledge, experience, ...

    LaCrosse in the Market
    The LaCrosse isn't a product of the yesteryear thinking that drove GM to build a competitor to whatever Lincoln was building across town. That's the sort of culture that got GM into trouble in the ...