If the Vehicle Is Stuck

Slowly and cautiously spin the wheels to free the vehicle when stuck in sand, mud, ice, or snow.

If stuck too severely for the traction system to free the vehicle, turn the traction system off and use the rocking method.

If the vehicle's tires spin at high speed, they can explode, and you or others could be injured. The vehicle can overheat, causing an engine compartment fire or other damage. Spin the wheels as little as possible and avoid going above 55 km/h (35 mph).

For information about using tire chains on the vehicle, see Tire Chains.

Rocking the Vehicle to Get it Out

Turn the steering wheel left and right to clear the area around the front wheels. Turn off any traction system. Shift back and forth between R (Reverse) and a forward gear, spinning the wheels as little as possible. To prevent transmission wear, wait until the wheels stop spinning before shifting gears.

Release the accelerator pedal while shifting, and press lightly on the accelerator pedal when the transmission is in gear. Slowly spinning the wheels in the forward and reverse directions causes a rocking motion that could free the vehicle. If that does not get the vehicle out after a few tries, it might need to be towed out. If the vehicle does need to be towed out, see Towing the Vehicle.

    See also:

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