Connecting and Controlling a PlaysForSure Device (PFD) or Zune (Radio with CD)

Connecting a PFD or Zune

Connect the PFD or Zune to the USB port.

Searching for a Track

Tracks can be searched for by:
• Playlists
• Artists
• Albums
• Song Titles
• Podcasts
• Genres

To search for tracks:

1. Turn the Menu knob.

2. Select Search.

3. Select: Playlists, Artists, Albums, Song Titles, Podcasts, or Genres.

4. Select the track.

Shuffle Functionality

Turn the Menu knob and set Shuffle Songs (Random) to On or Off.

On: Plays current tracks in random order.

Off: Plays current tracks in sequential order.

Repeat Functionality

Turn the Menu knob and set Repeat to On or Off.

Repeat On: Repeats the current track.

Repeat Off: Playback starts from the beginning of the current track after the last track finishes.

    See also:

    Order of Play
    Tracks are played in the following order: • Play begins from the first track in the first playlist and continues sequentially through all tracks in each playlist. When the last track of the la ...

    Using the Digit Store Command
    The digit store command allows a phone number to be stored by entering the digits individually. 1. Press . ► For vehicles without a navigation system, the system responds “Ready,” followe ...

    Deleting a Paired Phone
    1. Press . ► For vehicles without a navigation system, the system responds “Ready,” followed by a tone. ► For vehicles with a navigation system, the system responds with a tone. Aft ...